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Changing your last name after marriage

Happy Monday!

In today's post, I am going to be sharing my advice for legally changing your last name after you get married!


Step 1: The first step is the easiest, which is just changing your last name on your social media platforms.

Step 2: I had to place an order online with my local Register of Deeds to obtain a copy of my marriage certificate.

Step 3: The next step is going to your local Social Security office.

Here is a link for the form you need to fill out and bring with you :

My experience:

I went inside the office and had to check in and receive a number. I brought the form, my ID, and my marriage certificate. It was a very easy process, and there was no charge.

Step 4: The next place I needed to go was the DMV. I went to my local DMV around 12:30 and it was packed! I received a number and had to wait for an hour! I brought the paper proving my new name from the Social Security office, my marriage certificate, and my current ID. It cost $13 for me to change the name on my driver's license. They also took a new picture of me.

Overall, it was a very easy process to do but it takes time. Let me know if you have any questions!

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